3M 4049 LITE RIG 1-HEAD MS2 W/ 4036 054007-92719 NEW The MS2 4049 Lite Rig is a complete splicing rig. The Lite Rig provides many features and benefits. Comes with: 4036 hand crimper, 4041SH splice head holder, 4041-P Splicing Head and T Bar Pedestal Support, 4051 Wire Insertion Tool, 4052T Tester Check Comb, 4049 Variable Traverse Bar, 4036 Tool Holder, 4049 Rig Container/pail.
Also available separately: 4036-H tool holster 4049-L seat/lid 4049-O kit (with pail, organizer, seat and paddle handle) 4049-NC lite rig (contains same components as 4049 Lite Rig except 4036-25 hand hydraulic crimper) 4041-SH splice head holderThe MS² 4049 Lite Rig is a lightweight portable splicing rig in a pail which contains 4036-25 Hand/Hydraulic and provides many features and benefits