3M DYNATEL 4420L CABLE SHEATH FAULT LOCATOR REPAIRED Quickly, accurately locates earth return faults and traces path of buried and underground cables and pipes The DynateFM 4420L Cable/Fault Locator is a portable instrument used to pinpoint earth return faults and locate the depth and path of buried power conductors, CATV and telephone cables, as well as metallic pipes and tracer wire. The 4420L provides the ease of push-button operation, and quickly and accurately: .Locates cable and pipe path .Measures cable and pipe depth with the push of a button .Measures signal current ..
The 4420L locates buried cable using one of four userselected modes - peak, null, differential or special peak - depending on which is the most effective under the locating conditions. An easy-to-read bar graph on the receiver indicates the received signal and location of the cable. The receiver also incorporates a special "expander" function that makes peaks and nulls more pronounced. The expander feature enhances the amplitude difference between two conductors carrying the same tone, making the unit extremely accurate, even in congested areas.
The 4420L, with its detachable receiver antenna, estimates cable and pipe depth quickly and simply, giving a digital readout in feet and inches.
Precisely locates earth return faults
The 4420L can precisely locate faults on both short and long cable sections. The unit sends a trace tone simultaneously with a fault-locate tone, allowing the operator to use the cable-locate function when locating faults in long cable sections. The unit can discriminate between light and heavy faults.