ACTERNA/JDSU/TTC 2209 TEST PAD WITH T-1 AND DS3 SOFTWARE REPAIRED Exact configurations will vary. Please ask for a listing of all installed options and note any that you require.
The FST-2209 TestPad is a T1/T3 module combining DS1, DS3, ISDN, and voice features. It is an all-in-one solution for high-speed testing of TDM services.
Highlights Isolate and troubleshoot physical layer problems associated with data or other advanced services. Verify proper network routings and signal delays to ensure that all fractional T1 channel signals are terminated properly and with the correct timing. Qualify DS3 circuits with BERT patterns for both M13 and C-bit framing. Monitor network voice quality by listening to PCM-encoded signals through the built-in speakers. Applications Isolate and troubleshoot physical layer problems associated with data or other advanced services. Monitor network voice quality and signaling. Qualify DS3 circuits with an array of BERT patterns. Analyze DS1 tributaries at DS3 access points. Verify or troubleshoot ISDN PRI service by placing and receiving calls and analyzing decodes. More Information. Key Features Dual-receiver in-service monitoring. Advanced stress patterns. Fractional T1 channels. BERT and signal analysis. HDSL loop codes.