CTC JOSLYN C4920 302/303 FRAME TEST SHOE CORD 50PR REPAIRED Front Tap Shoe designed for use with the AT&T 303 and 302 type Central Office Main Frame Connectors. The Test Shoe can also be used on the following connectors.
Cook (Siecor) 310, 353, 377, 378, 388, and 390
Reliable 305, 325, 355, 710,and RG710
AT&T (Weco) 303 and 302
The C-4920 multiple pair test connector is used on the 303-type connector and the 302-type 4
connector. The C-4930 multiple pair test connector is used on the 302-type 1 connector. The multiple pair test
connectors (Figure 11) contain 100 (50 pairs) spring-loaded contacts that are internally connected to a 50-pair,
15-foot (4.6 m) long cable. The cable terminates on two 25-pair KS-19162, L4 (or equivalent) connectors for
attachment to automatic pair identification equipment. One of the KS-19162, L4 connectors is numbered 1-25
and 51-75 and the other is numbered 26-50 and 76-100 for use on either test field of the 303- or 302-type
connectors to identify the respective cable pair count