Product Description
More than a single product, DaVaR is a process for collecting information about your plant and updating the support system databases to keep information accurate. A DaVaR program provides both immediate and long term returns.
At a Glance
Save millions in Outside Plant operating expenses
Increase service revenues
Immediate return on investment
DSL Deployment, Outside Plant refurbishment or total Outside Plant improvement
Reduce operating expenses and increase revenue
Flexible, turnkey solutions
Product Capabilities
More than a single product, DaVaR is a process for collecting information about your plant and updating the support system databases to keep information accurate. A DaVaR program provides both immediate and long term returns.
Recover pairs to add service without costly buildouts.
Plan construction more efficiently
Improve technician productivity through accurate dispatch information
Generate additional revenue
Reduce held orders
Improve customer satisfaction
Based on industry data, a DaVaR program can easily return more than $29 million in recovered assets, additional revenue and improved productivity for every million lines tested.
System Components:
DaVaR NetServer
The heart of the DaVaR program, the NetServer is a software and server hardware system that interfaces to your host database, providing plant information for testing and automatic host database updates with NetTest results from field testing. The NetServer retrieves host database information and prepares it for downloading to NetTest field units via a secure dial-up networking connection. Once testing is completed, tested and validated results are uploaded via a dial-up connection to the NetServer. The database is then updated using intelligent record interaction and extensible business rules.
DaVaR NetTest Plus
The NetTest Plus field controller is a portable, self-contained test system, including a ruggedized laptop computer, test head, internal batteries and DaVaR application software for high-speed bulk verification, conformance and pair recovery. The NetTest performs a variety of automated single and terminated tests in the field to validate loop records and to document conformance to engineering specifications. The DaVaR System then compares these test results against special transaction tables and reclassifies results to the correct status. Tables include bulk pair testing and recovery, database validation and cable pair transmission qualities.
SuperDaVaR Plus
SuperDaVaR Plus expands on the NetTest Plus field controller and allows you to test two pairs at a time. Its portability and range of tests are all the same as the NetTest field controller, with the advantage of doubling your technicians productivity and efficiency in the field.
DaVaR Outside Plant Testing Services (DOTS)
DOTS can help you deploy or supplement your testing actives. Includes equipment, labor, project management and management reports. Offers bulk DSL qualification, records verification, pair recovery or OSP refurbishment programs.
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