Frenchcreek 464Asz Stretch Tubular Shock Absorbing Lanyards Stretch Tubular Shock Absorbing Web Lan
Frenchcreek 464Asz
Stretch Tubular Shock Absorbing Lanyards Stretch Tubular Shock Absorbing Web Lanyard, 6 Ft., #Z74 Locking
Snap One End, #Z136 (2 1/2" Opening) Form Snap Other End,
3600 Lb Gate Both Snaps
This Tubular-Elastic Web Lanyard With Internal Shock Absorbing Core Limits Fall Arrest Forces To 900 Lbs. When Tested To Osha And Ansi Standards.
2" Tubular Synthetic Webbing
Stretches To Minimize Tripping And Snagging Hazards
6' Length Only
6' Length Relaxes To 4.5' When Not Stretched
Choke Loop