P K NEUSES TOOLS N-62267 HEAVY DUTY SHEATH SLITTER NEW Specially designed Heavy-Duty Cable Sheath Slitter
N-62267 Cable Sheath Slitter
For slitting most types of cable jackets. Especially good for most of the outdoor, heavy-duty types of cable sheathing.
The slender but tough and very sharp hook blade digs in between sheathing and wires and with the side supports permits most accurate jacket stripping. Handles large and small diameter cables equally well. The forked ends of the tool are made of ductile aluminum and may be carefully bent (to expand the opening between forked ends) to fit many cable sizes.
The razor sharp hook lets you cut into cable at any point without previously notching, thereby avoiding hazard to wires inside and your hands.
An extra blade is included. Blades are easily changed. The two screws that hold the blade in cutting position also secure the extra blade with its cutting end protected until put into position for use.