Preformed Line Products ND-0114 COATED DEAD-END .609-.648 NEW
-Coated, manufactured of aluminum alloy wire, is designed for direct application over conductors jacketed with neoprene, polyethylene, vinyl, or rubber. The sub-setted rods in each leg, bonded together with neoprene, exert a low radial pressure without damaging the jacket. Because it is not necessary to skin the plastic covering, the same Dead-end can be used for either aluminum-base or copperbase conductors.
-Coated Dead-ends should not be used over fabric braided
conductor. In this case, the fabric should be skinned and a
Distribution-Grip Dead-end applied.
-Holding values of coated Dead-ends are dependent on a combination of several factors:
-Conductor size, type, stranding
-Thickness of jacket
-Type of jacket
-Specific density of various polyethylenes
-The multiplicity of combinations makes it impractical to publish a table of "Rated Holding Strengths." As a general guide, the following considerations may be adapted for a certain conductor and construction practice.
-When tested under static tension (ram speed of two inches per minute), Coated Dead-ends will hold the full rated breaking strength of all-aluminum and copper conductors, jacketed with neoprene or medium density polyethylene. Static tension results on ACSR approximates the full strength of the aluminum strands plus 10% of the steel core strength.
-When Coated Dead-ends are tested under sustained (24 hours) loading, generally lower holding strengths are recorded. This is attributed to the cold-flow characteristics and frictional coefficient of various plastics. The tables appearing on the back of each catalog page are based on long-term sustained load tests and may be considered representative of the cables described.
-This data indicates that the highest percentage of rated breaking strength (RBS) is held on medium density polyethylene and vinyl. High density (linear) polyethylene has the lowest percent of RBS.
-In addition to the specific densities, the data indicates the percent of RBS will also be reduced by increased jacket thickness.
-The test results, expressed in actual pounds of sustained load capacity, make it apparent that values between 500 and 1,000 lbs. should be sufficient to meet field requirements on industrial or commercial service drops and messengered aerial spacer cables. Values exceeding 1,000 lbs. are sufficient for primaries and secondaries in urban distribution.
-Coated Dead-ends allow the plastic jacket to remain intact and the
conductor continues through the crossover point of the grip. Connectors are applied to the continued tail, with minimum stripping and exposure to corrosion.
-R.I.V. readings and flashover tests indicate Coated Dead-ends, applied over plastic jacketed conductors, have the same satisfactory electrical performance as Dead-ends applied over bare conductors.
This statement does not apply to fabric covered conductor. Distribution Grip (Slack Span/Overhead) Dead Ends are not recommended for use with high temperature/low sag conductors
such as ACSS, ACSS/AW, ACSS/TW, ACCR or other types of conductors with loose, and/or annealed outer layer strands. Typically THERMOLIGN® Dead-ends are suggested for these applications. Consult Preformed Line Products for further information.
Distribution Grip (Slack Span/Overhead) Dead Ends are not recommended for use with high temperature/low sag conductors such as ACSS, ACSS/AW, ACSS/TW, ACCR or other types of conductors with loose, and/or annealed outer layer strands.