Preformed Line Products TTF-113 F-NECK EZ-WRAP TWIN TIE .969-1.096 NEW
In order for the tie to fit properly there must be enough room in the insulator's top groove. The minimum insulator top groove radius required for a particular EZ-WRAP Twin Tie and conductor diameter is shown on the catalog pages above the catalog numbers. Consult the insulator manufacturer or Preformed Line Products when in doubt about proper insulator top groove radius.
-By using EZ-WRAP Twin Ties with the tube, the possibility of abrasion or fatigue during conductor movement is minimized. However, for lines with excessive aeolian vibration, the use of vibration dampers such as Spiral Vibration Dampers (SVD) may be required. Typically two SVDs per span on distribution construction (less than 800' spans) will reduce aeolian vibration to acceptable levels.
-In addition, conductor galloping can produce extreme stress and damage to support points regardless of the tie device. Consequently, the use of galloping dampers such as the Air Flow Spoiler (AFS) is recommended where galloping has occurred or is expected.
-Consult Preformed Line Products for engineering recommendations for application of either the SVD or AFS.
-The RIV characteristics of EZ-WRAP Twin Ties are equivalent to those of a well-made hand tie when originally installed. During service life the precontoured tie assures continued fit, which would have better RIV than a loosened tie wire.
-Tapping over the applied legs of the EZ-WRAP Twin Tie is not recommended.
-At double crossarms PREFORMED Double-Support Tie can be used to cross major highways and railroads, or turn angles where it is practical to hold the conductor in the top groove during installation.
-The EZ-WRAP Twin Tie is non-rotational and can be installed when pole or conductor clearance is critical. Application Procedures are available.
-On vertically mounted insulators, EZ-WRAP Twin Ties can normally accommodate line angles up to 10°. Larger angles may be accommodated when the insulator is mounted at varying degrees of cant from the vertical, depending upon the actual cant of the insulator. Combining Side Ties with EZ-WRAP Twin Ties on a single structure can also affect the acceptable line angles for that structure. In all cases the conductor should rest in the preferred insulator groove, independently of the tie, so the tie is not required to force the conductor to remain in that groove. The largest practical angle a tie can accommodate depends upon limiting factors such as conductor size, tension, span lengths, sag angles, insulator style and orientation, etc. Consult Preformed Line Products for further guidance on line angle issues.
-The EZ-WRAP Twin Tie is designed to provide longitudinal holding strength in excess of values required by the National Electric Safety Code. The holding strength is usually sufficient to contain the broken conductor to a single span. TR-729E covers the mechanical testing of the EZ-WRAP Twin Tie and is available upon request.