Product Description
AMERICAN POLYWATER F-35 Qt Squeeze Bottle Polywater® Lubricant F 02786800255 Case OF 12 AMERICAN AMERICAN POLYWATER F-35 Qt Squeeze Bottle AMERICAN AMERICAN POLYWATER ® Lubricant F 02786800255 Case OF 12
Fiber Optic Cable Lubricant
For Fiber & Other
Communications Cable
Easy To Pour Into Innerducts and Feeder Tubes
Superior Friction Reduction for Lower Tension Pulls
Compatible* With Cable Jackets, Including PE Types
Proven in Installation of Over 140,000,000 meters of Fiber Cable
Lubrication Pump Available for Easy Application
Wets Out and Covers PE Jackets
Thoroughly Lubricates Long Pulls
Slow Drying With Lubricious Residue for Lasting Lubrication
Available in Cold Weather (Non-Freezing) Formula
AMERICAN AMERICAN POLYWATER ® Lubricant F is a high performance, pourable liquid lubricant recommended for long, difficult, lightguide cable pulls. It is slow drying and leaves a lubricating film after its waterbase has evaporated. AMERICAN AMERICAN POLYWATER ® Lubricant F will not stress crack low density polyethylene. It is compatible with all common* types of cable jackets.
AMERICAN AMERICAN POLYWATER ® Lubricant WF (winter grade) has the same characteristics as AMERICAN AMERICAN POLYWATER ® Lubricant F and is specially formulated for use in temperatures as low as -20°F (-30°C).
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