Sumitomo TYPE-Q102-M12-KIT-6RM3 TYPE Q102-M12 Quantum Compact Mass Fusion Splicer Kit with Dual Built-in Heat Shrink Ovens, includes Mass Fiber Cleaver (FC- 6RM-C), Heated Fiber Stripper (JR-6+), Splice Protection Sleeves (FPS-6 type), pair of 12-Fiber Holders (FHM-12V), pair of 250um single fiber holders (FHS-025), Shipping Case, one set of Spare Electrodes (ER-10), Cooling Tray, AC Interface/Battery Charger with Power Cord, Battery Unit (BU-102), Glueless Ribbonizing Tool (OFA-01), Cleaning Kit (FUS-CLN-KIT-M)