The Tonearc Model 5 is a tone set designed to send fault locating tone into high resistance faults. Initially, the Tonearc's distance to fault measurement indicates the general area of the fault. The Tonearc then produces high voltage, low amperage, short duration pulses, which create an "ion plasma bridge" at the fault. This "ion plasma bridge", which acts like a temporary short circuit, blocks the tone signals that are transmitted during each pulse. To determine the fault's exact location, the technician uses the tone receiver to trace the tone to the spot where it stops or drops off significantly. The Tonearc consistently locates shorts, crosses, grounds, sheath faults, and splits/resplits with high-resistance readings up to and exceeding 100,000 Ohms. Several features distinguish the Tonearc from other tone sets in use today. First, the Tonearc does not simply provide a distance to fault measurement, nor does it cause damage to the plant with the "ion plasma bridge" it produces. There are no wave form occurrence measurements to interpret; the receiver meter needle and audible tone are the only indicators used to locate a fault. Cable temperature and gauge do not affect the accuracy of the Tonearc.
Distance to fault pre-locate function.
Cable path location.
VOM for fault identification.
Low, medium, and high transmitter settings.
Rechargeable battery.
Precise fault location.
Works safely around data circuits.
Does not damage adjacent pairs.
Cost effective.
Dimensions 9.4" x 14.2" x 11.6"
Weight 26 lbs.
Pulse Voltage 300V to 1200V
Average Current 0.05 Amps
Test Meter 1 mA shock resistant
Test Ohms 0 to 2 megohms
Test Volts 0 to 1000 VDC
Tag Tone 987 Hz, pulsed at 8 Hz
Transmitter Power Lead Calcium
Receiver Power 9V alkaline battery
Part Number 1102-5000